Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My Healing Journey

Your continued support and thoughts are always much appreciated.  This blog is how I can keep you updated with my latest status.  So please visit regularly for the latest steps on my journey.


  1. I am finally home now , thanks all for your overwhelming support. I feel strong and ready for the next stage of recovery and want everyone to know how much all your pouring of support has been helpful in my Journey to regaining Health. I am a vigilant and strong person, but believe that I can become even more persistent and motivated with Collective prayers and thoughts of Support. Despite the recent health discoveries, I find myself in a place of Bliss and very comfortable in mind and body. Let the Healing and continued improvements make me the Person I've always dreamt of being!

  2. Wednesday 's biopsy was a long procedure. I woke up from a 45 minute procedure 4 and 1/2 hours later with a sore throat and left lung(at least my butt wasn't hurting. LOL!) The general anesthesia knocked me the F n out! All I remembered was the lady telling me the oxygen was gonna start tasting sweet and that I was gonna feel real drunk!it was quite an Experience. Nevertheless , we find out the results next week. Just great, more waiting is what I need

  3. The results of the test will let the doctors know the more specifics of the type of Cancer and how best to treat it. I qualify to be involved with clinical studies that would allow me acces to the latest meds if my specific cancer reveals certain " mutations"
